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Total Knee Joint Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement can be a very effective option to improve pain and function in an arthritic knee.  A knee eroded from osteoarthritis can limit activities and impair quality of life.  

At Barrington Orthopedic Specialists, our experienced, certified knee specialists can perform total knee replacement surgery, designed to remove damaged components of the knee while preserving range of motion and knee function. Our team will work alongside you at every step of your surgery and help you to develop a personalized rehabilitation plan that will ensure a quick and healthy recovery.

Mako for Total Knee replacement

We understand that knowing what to expect from your joint replacement experience is important to you. As you are reading through this material, please reach out to us to discuss if you have additional questions.

Each patient is unique and can experience joint pain for different reasons. It’s important to talk to us about the reason for your knee pain so you can understand the treatment options available to you. Pain from arthritis and joint degeneration can be constant or come and go, occur with movement or after a period of rest, or be located in one spot or many parts of the body. It is common for patients to try medication and other conservative treatments to treat their knee pain. If you haven’t experienced adequate relief with those treatment options, you may be a candidate for Total Knee replacement, which may provide you with relief from your knee pain.

Mako can help your surgeon plan for better outcomes, like less pain and shorter recovery times, compared to manual knee replacement surgery.1

How Mako works

Mako total knee CT-based surgical plan

The MAKO system is an advanced, surgeon-controlled, robotic arm designed to increase the accuracy of knee replacements. Mako is an innovative solution for many suffering from painful arthritis of the knee.

Scan. It all starts with a CT scan so your surgeon can know more about your anatomy.

Plan. The CT scan is used to create a 3D CT-based model of your knee. Your surgeon uses this 3D model to create a personalized surgical plan and assist your surgeon in performing your knee replacement procedure.

Mako Can. In the operating room, your surgeon follows your personalized surgical plan while preparing the bone for the implant. The surgeon guides Mako’s robotic arm within the predefined area, and Mako’s AccuStopTM technology helps the surgeon stay within the planned boundaries that were defined in the personalized surgical plan to prepare the bone for the Triathlon Total Knee implant. With over a decade of clinical history, Triathlon knee implants are different from traditional knee replacement implants because they are designed to work with the body to promote natural-like circular motion.2-5

It’s important to understand that the surgery is performed by an orthopaedic surgeon, who guides Mako’s robotic arm during the surgery to position the implant in the knee joint. Mako does not perform surgery, make decisions on its own or move without the surgeon guiding it. Mako also allows your surgeon to make adjustments to your plan during surgery as needed.

A healthy kneeAn arthritic knee


Total knee replacement

Knee replacement is intended for use in individuals with joint disease resulting from degenerative and rheumatoid arthritis, or avascular necrosis.

Knee joint replacement is intended for use in individuals with joint disease resulting from degenerative, rheumatoid and post- traumatic arthritis, and for moderate deformity of the knee.

Joint replacement surgery is not appropriate for patients with certain types of infections, any mental or neuromuscular disorder which would create an unacceptable risk of prosthesis instability, prosthesis fixation failure or complications in postoperative care, compromised bone stock, skeletal immaturity, severe instability of the joint, or excessive body weight.

Like any surgery, joint replacement surgery has serious risks which include, but are not limited to, pain, infection, bone fracture, change in the treated leg length (hip), joint stiffness, hip joint fusion, amputation, peripheral neuropathies (nerve damage), circulatory compromise (including deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the legs)), genitourinary disorders (including kidney failure), gastrointestinal disorders (including paralytic ileus (loss of intestinal digestive movement)), vascular disorders (including thrombus (blood clots), blood loss, or changes in blood pressure or heart rhythm), bronchopulmonary disorders (including emboli, stroke or pneumonia), heart attack, and death.

Implant related risks which may lead to a revision of the implant include dislocation, loosening, fracture, nerve damage, heterotopic bone formation (abnormal bone growth in tissue), wear of the implant, metal and/or foreign body sensitivity, soft tissue imbalance, osteolysis (localized progressive bone loss), audible sounds during motion, reaction to particle debris , and reaction to metal ions (ALTR). Hip and knee implants may not provide the same feel or performance characteristics experienced with a normal healthy joint.

The information presented is for educational purposes only. Speak to your doctor to decide if joint replacement surgery is appropriate for you. Individual results vary and not all patients will return to the same activity level. The lifetime of any joint replacement is limited and depends on several factors like patient weight and activity level. Your doctor will counsel you about strategies to potentially prolong the lifetime of the device, including avoiding high-impact activities, such as running, as well as maintaining a healthy weight. It is important to closely follow your doctor’s instructions regarding post-surgery activity, treatment and follow-up care. Ask your doctor if a joint replacement is right for you.

Stryker Corporation or its other divisions or other corporate affiliated entities own, use or have applied for the following trademarks or service marks: AccuStop, Mako, Stryker, Triathlon. All other trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners.

  1. B. Kayani, S. Konan, J. Tahmassebi, J. R. T. Pietrzak, F. S. Haddad Robotic-arm assisted total knee arthroplasty is associated with improved early functional recovery and reduced time to hospital discharge compared with conventional jig-based total knee arthroplasty: A PROSPECTIVE COHORT STUDY Bone and Joint Journal: 2018; 100-B:930–7.
  2. Mistry JB, Elmallah RK, Chughtai M, Oktem M, Harwin SF, Mont MA. Long-term survivorship and clinical outcomes of a single radius total knee arthroplasty. Surg Technol Int. 2016;28:247-251.
  3. Piazza S. Designed to maintain collateral ligament stability throughout the range of motion. Stryker-Initiated Dynamic Computer Simulations of Passive ROM and Oxford Rig Test. 2003.
  4. Wang H, Simpson KJ, Ferrara MS, Chamnongkich S, Kinsey T, Mahoney OM. Biomechanical differences exhibited during sit-to-stand between total knee arthroplasty designs of varying radii. J Arthroplasty. 2006;21(8):1193-1199. doi:10.1016/j.arth.2006.02.172
  5. Gómez-Barrena E, Fernandez-García C, Fernandez-Bravo A, Cutillas-Ruiz R, Bermejo-Fernandez G. Functional performance with a single-radius femoral design total knee arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2010;468(5):1214-1220. doi:10.1007/s11999-009-1190-2

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FAQs on Total Knee Replacement

Who is suited for knee replacement?

The most common reason patients undergo knee replacement is wear and tear of the knee joint known as osteoarthritis.  In this condition, the knee is severely damaged and all of the internal tissues including the cartilage padding and meniscus shock absorber are beyond repair.  The bones rub against one another and cause pain, stiffness, and progressive difficulty with walking.  Simple activities such as walking around the block or getting through the grocery store can become very challenging or impossible.  Walking and recreational activities such as golf become more difficult to enjoy and the pain begins prevalent throughout the day and sometimes at night.  Many patients require a cane or walker.  Most patients having knee replacement have tried nonsurgical methods of relief including injections, oral medicines, braces, and exercises, among others.  Whether you have been treated for osteoarthritis or are seeking evaluation for pain, our physicians will review your condition and discuss with you whether knee replacement will benefit you.  Usually X-rays will be obtained for your condition and you will be able to see the extent of damage to the joint.

What is done during knee replacement?

Knee replacement is a procedure through the front of your knee where the damaged and arthritic knee joint is resected or cut out and a new knee is implanted composed of metal and plastic.  The procedure takes approximately one hour.  The new knee is fixed to the bones using an extremely strong cement material.  The replacement joint effectively “resurfaces” the damaged thigh, shin, and kneecap bones and fixes new metal and plastic parts to alleviate pain, improve motion, and facilitate walking and activity.  Your normal tendons and ligaments on the sides of the knee are retained in their normal position.  In patients with severely deformed knees, the replacement can release the stiffened tissues and correct any deformity of the bones, which can straighten the leg and allow you to walk more easily.  During your consultation, our physicians will review with you more details of what knee replacement entails.

Is knee replacement likely to help?

Knee replacement has been successfully performed since the 1960s and it has grown immensely in popularity since that time due to improved access to treatment, vast improvements in the technology of the surgical implants and instruments, and the overwhelming success of the operation.  Knee replacement has been considered one of the most successful procedures in all of medicine due to its relative safety and ability to improve pain and quality of life.  The majority of patients having knee replacement is satisfied with their results and would have the surgery again.  Every patient is unique, however, and it is important to discuss specific individual factors with your physician that can help guide your expectations following knee replacement. 

What are the risks of knee replacement?

As with any operation, there are several risks involved with replacement surgery.  Our physicians, your anesthesiologist, and the surgical facility go to great lengths to minimize these risks to make them very infrequent.  Our physicians will review the risks of surgery in detail with you and the steps that are done to minimize each risk. Do not hesitate to ask questions at your consultation to ensure they are answered to your satisfaction.

What is the recovery like after knee replacement?

Knee replacement typically involves a brief hospital stay averaging a couple nights, although innovations in pain management techniques and emphasis on early activity and mobilization have greatly reduced the duration of hospital stays, and some patients can even leave the surgical facility the same day.  Patients are encouraged to move the knee and walk immediately following surgery.  Pain management is facilitated by nerve “blocks” which deadens the pain at the knee and allows you to get up and walk very early after the procedure.  Many patients go home after their hospital stay, although some require more intensive support at a skilled nursing or other facility.  There is a brace worn for a couple days to prevent the knee from buckling.  Physical therapists are often critical in helping you in the early stages of recovery to help you walk and regain the motion in the joint. Most patients are walking well with some assistance after a couple weeks and almost all daily activities are resumed by one month.  Driving is usually begun again in approximately one month.  Most patients can resume recreational activities such as golf around 2-3 months after the procedure. After you have regained the motion and walking ability, you will experience improvements in the function of your new knee up to one year after surgery and beyond. Our physicians will help guide you on more specific expectations that may be unique to your case.

How long does a knee replacement last?

We know now that knee replacements continue to function well at over 15 years after initial implantation.  Due to innovations in the methods by which the thin plastic liner is engineered, wear rates in modern designs are exponentially lower than models initially utilized, even when compared with those in the last couple decades.  In fact, most studies demonstrate the need for any further surgery for your knee replacement after you recover would be more likely to occur for issues like falls and broken bones, infection, or other unexpected long term complications than for wearing out.  Wear and loosening are risks, however, and Our physicians can guide you on your specific activity goals to ensure your new knee replacement functions well for a very long time.