If arthritis or an injury has severely damaged your hip, your mobility is likely significantly limited, not to mention the daily pain you experience. When other treatments fail to effectively manage your condition, your doctor may recommend hip replacement surgery. Also called total hip arthroplasty, total hip replacement replaces a worn out or damaged hip joint.

This is the treatment of choice when hip problems interfere with your daily life, and conservative treatments aren’t enough.

We’ve gathered information that will help you understand the benefits and limitations of total hip replacement using the anterior approach. If you’re considering your treatment options or have already decided to have total hip replacement surgery, this information can help you know what to expect.

How a healthy hip works

The hip is one of the largest joints in your body, and it plays a key role in movement. It’s also susceptible to wear and tear because it bears the brunt of the force during weight-bearing activities like walking and climbing stairs.

The hip is a ball-and-socket joint. The rounded head of the femur forms the ball, which fits into the socket of the hip. Cartilage and tissue between bones in your joints provide cushion for the bones when you move.

The joint itself is surrounded by lubricating fluid to make movement smooth, so you can bend and move with ease. Ligaments — tough bands of tissue — connect the femur to the socket to keep the joint stable.

Damage to, or breakdown of, any of these crucial parts of the hip spells trouble. If the cartilage breaks down, for example, the joint lacks cushion and the bones rub together, resulting in pain and movement limitations.

Hip pain

Arthritic conditions are the most common cause of hip pain and mobility problems. Osteoarthritis, the leading form of arthritis, is an age-related wear and tear of the joint. Vital parts of the hip joint, like the cartilage, wear away, resulting in stiffness, pain, and trouble with movement. When the joint wears down too deeply, surgery is often necessary.

Anterior approach to hip replacement

Dr. Hasham Alvi at Barrington Orthopedic Specialists performs the anterior approach for hip replacement surgery. Using the anterior approach offers many benefits, including:

  • Smaller incision
  • Less pain
  • Lower risk of hip dislocations
  • Shorter hospital stay
  • Less trauma to the surrounding muscle
  • Less limping

What should I expect from total hip replacement anterior approach?

Surgeons perform more than 300,000 hip replacement surgeries each year. Knowing what to expect can ease your anxiety surrounding the procedure. Physical therapy is one of the most important factors in recovering from total hip replacement.  Physical therapy begins while you’re in the hospital and continues once you’re discharged. It’s important to learn how to improve your range of motion and strength as you recover. The goal is to return to your normal activities.

As you can see, the decision to have total hip replacement surgery can greatly improve your quality of life.

To schedule an appointment with Dr. Hasham Alvi please contact our office at 847-285-4200.  Dr. Alvi sees patients at our four convenient locations: Buffalo GroveBartlett, Elk Grove Village, and Schaumburg. You can also request an appointment here on our website.